On-line virtual course on stream gauging

Here, a virtual course means that the course is composed of the materials used in RiverFlow 2018 and reconfigured for the online virtual course by Ryota Tsubaki@Nagoya University.

■ Introduction

Introduction to the course and overview of hydrometry by Jérôme LE COZ

■ Fundamentals

Stream gauging techniques: velocity-area, ADCP, dilution, volumetric… by Alexandre HAUET
Principles of surface velocity gaugings (floats, video, radar) by FUJITA Ichiro
Indirect determination of peak discharge (slope-area and image processing) by Jérôme LE COZ
Selection of gauging station sites by Tommaso ABRATE
Measurement of discharge by precalibrated measuring structure and miscellaneous methods by Roberto RANZI
Non-intrusive velocimetry techniques using image processing by FUJITA Ichiro

■ Rating curves

Discharge rating using the index velocity method by Jérôme LE COZ
Stage-discharge rating curves: I. Methods by Roberto RANZI
Stage-discharge rating curves: II. Issues (hysteresis, Variable slope, Rating shifts) by Marian MUSTE

■ Uncertainty in stream gauging

Uncertainty of discharge measurement: The Hydrometric Uncertainty Guidance (HUG) and uncertainty of discharge measurement by conventional current meter methods by Roberto RANZI
Uncertainty analysis of ADCP gaugings: computations (GUM) by Marian MUSTE
Uncertainty analysis of ADCP gaugings: empirical assessment (interlaboratory experiments) by Jérôme LE COZ
Uncertainty analysis of rating curves, streamflow records and hydrological indicators by Jérôme LE COZ

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