We regret to inform you that we have decided to cancel the physical meeting of IAHR-APD2020 at Sapporo, Japan. Since COVID-19 is still affecting all over the world, and there will be some limitations for our life and social activities for a while even after things seem back to normal, having on-site physical meeting is not best for all of us. But instead, we have decided to hold the first web-based APD conference on the originally planned date, the week of September 14, 2020. Now we are discussing the possible ways to convert the conference to the web. The details will be available on this site. Please mark your calendar! The conference will be just like it would be if it was face to face. Reviewing process of the papers is almost done, so we will also publish all the contributions with the conference. The proceedings will be available online. The registration fee for the authors (publishing your paper and ticket for the web-based presentation) will be greatly reduced, and participating the web conference will be free. The registration will be opened as soon as we can, probably, at mid-June. We will announce in this regard soon. There will be keynote lectures. The presentation style may be live-based oral presentation using Zoom and/or chat-based poster presentations. Thank you again for all your contribution to the conference. Our decision might be inconvenient for some of you, but it seems little choice. We hope many of you will join the conference. Sincerely yours, LOC of IAHR-APD 2020
日本人参加者の登録費(developed country)
100 USD
130 USD
75 USD